Decisions for PEER financial awards will be made no later than May 1st.
Step 1: Apply to the University of Tennessee Graduate School.
Step 2: Apply to the appropriate graduate program, such as: Chemistry, UT/ORNL Genome Science & Technology, Biochemistry & Cellular and Molecular Biology, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology or any STEM-related programs with emphasis on quantitative biology research.
Step 3: Fill out and submit the PEER application below and construct a two page letter of intent that addresses:
- How pursuing a PhD and becoming a PEER scholar advances your career goal
- Briefly describe your research interests & research experience
- An experience you had conducting research and what you liked/disliked about it
- How you plan to balance research/academic responsibilities with personal/professional development
Email the letter of intent to Sekeenia Haynes, Program Administrator.
Step 4: Arrange for copies of three (3) letters of recommendation and your GRE scores to be sent to PEER. If these have already been submitted to the department to which you have applied (Step 2, above), please indicate so in your letter of application so that arrangements can be made to obtain copies from the relevant department at UTK. For purposes of reporting GRE the institutional code for the University of Tennessee is 1843. A departmental code is NOT required.
NOTE: You must be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident to apply.
Application for the Program for Excellence & Equity in Research